Free delivery to Colville and Kettle Falls!

Yes. We Take Requests!

Posted by Michelle Peper on

A good bar of handmade soap is special. Those of us who have discovered how much better our skin feels without detergents and chemicals in our body cleanser know that we don't want to be without our handmade bars.

Another benefit to handmade soap is the wide array of fragrance options available. There are so many choices out there for a soap maker to choose from that it can be a bit overwhelming to decide what to offer our customers. There are options that range from spicy, sweet, or fruity to floral, woodsy or minty, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Which brings me to the reason for this post today. I am delighted when someone contacts me asking for something that isn't currently in the shop. Several of the soaps I offer have come from personal requests. Recently I got a request for a soap called Cedar & Saffron. I was unfamiliar with the fragrance, but was quickly able to find it and produce the soap. I have also had requests for rose scented bars (which I now make fairly regularly), almond scented soaps, and bergamot salt bars. Sometimes people ask for a full batch (10 bars) or just a few bars. Other times customers want a full batch of  something we already make that they love. I am happy to do this, as well. I also take special orders for occasions like bridal or baby shower favors and can offer soaps in full-sized or travel-sized bars. 

If there is something you'd like that isn't currently offered in the shop, feel free to drop a note and ask if I can make something special for you! If there is a way to  accomplish what you need, I would love to make it happen.*


*All soap must cure for at least 4 weeks, so please be aware that it will be 5-6 weeks at a minimum for special requests to be available.


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